CMEA proudly organised a number of conferences over the past years. Conferences are a very good way to disseminate knowledge, information and bring people and professionals from different fields together. CMEA believes that such material needs to be made available to those interested. If you are interested in the material or what happened in the conferences click on the links below.
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Epilepsy: Finding Help
L-Epilessija: Kif insibu l-għajnuna
Buġibba, Malta, Saturday 10th March 2018
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Living with Epilepsy, step by step
Living with Epilepsy, step by step – Photos 1
Living with Epilepsy, step by step – Photos 2
Bugibba, Malta, Saturday 13th February 2016
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Epilepsy is more than just seizures – L-Epilessija mhijiex sempliċiment aċċessjonijiet
Bugibba, Malta, Saturday 22nd February 2014
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Epilessia – kif negħlbu l-istigma? – Epilepsy – How do we overcome stigma?
Bugibba, Malta, Saturday 25th February 2012
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
What is epilepsy? Improving our knowledge – L-Epilessija – Insir Naf Aktar
Bugibba, Malta, Saturday 20th February 2010
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Epilepsy a Multi disciplinary approach
Bugibba, Malta, Saturday 9th February 2008
Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses in collaboration with Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Epilepsy and the Nursing Profession
Bugibba, Malta, Friday 16th November 2007
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Ten years of work – The Social Impact of Epilepsy
Għaxar Snin ta’ Ħidma – Epilessija u l -Impatt Soċjali
Bugibba, Malta, 18th February 2006
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Malta, L-Epilessija u t-Tfal – Flimkien Naslu
Malta, Epilepsy and Children – Together We Will Succeed
22nd February 2003
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
L-Epilessija fil-Miftuh. Esperjenzi f’Malta
Epilepsy in the Open, Experiences from Malta
Bugibba, Malta, 3rd November 2001