At Caritas Tal-Ibwar we seek to accompany and empower adolescents struggling with problematic substance use, to reach their full potential and achieve a meaningful life. We aim to do this by collaborating with their families and caregivers, and by providing learning experiences and psycho-social interventions, delivered through residential and non-residential therapeutic services.

Therapeutic community
Everyday events are seen as opportunities for therapeutic growth to encourage new ways of thinking and behaving.
Seven challenges groups
These specialised groups aim to support adolescents to evaluate and to gain a deeper understanding of their use of substances.
Milieu Therapy
A therapeutic approach where everyday events are opportunities for therapeutic growth and where home like surroundings encourage healthier ways of thinking and behaving.
Individual psychotherapy
During these sessions each adolescent can explore their personal issues in a one-to-one setting.
KeyWorking Sessions
Each adolescent at Tal-Ibwar is assigned a keyworker who will accompany them in their journey at Caritas Tal-Ibwar.
Social Work
Social work includes reaching out to adolescents and caregivers to help them develop their skills, connect with their community, solve problems and access resources.
Family Support Groups
These groups for caregivers and significant others, offer a safe place to share and process the ”family experience” in relation to problematic substance use.
Family Therapy
Family therapy aims to support families and caregivers to develop new ways of communicating and resolving conflicts.
Aftercare provides ongoing support to the adolescent and their caregivers after the completion of either the residential or the non-residential programme, in order to maintain and to build on what has already been achieved.
Team games at the multipurpose pitch, physical training at the assault course, running and yoga.
Accredited Courses
Accredited courses are offered as part of the Tal-Ibwar Learning Hub and include digital media studies, agribusiness and artisanship.
Adventure therapy
Adventure therapy uses outdoor experiences such as trekking, camping and kayaking to offer alternative therapeutic opportunities for personal growth.
Tal-Ibwar Adolescents Therapeutic Centre in pictures

Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us, either by filling the form below and clicking send, via phone +356 7999 0082 or via email ibwar@caritasmalta.org.