Community well-being & development unit


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The team within this unit works together to identify and understand the needs of an evolving society, with the aim of creating projects and services that may offer support, provide education and guidance, so as to ameliorate the psychosocial wellbeing of all citizens. 

How may we be of support to you?

These are some of the ongoing projects Caritas has been offering within this unit:

Focus Programme

A programme offered to schools on a yearly basis throughout the scholastic year.

The aim of this tool is to equip the young generation with skills and encourage attitudes that will enable them to make healthy and constructive decisions throughout their life, also guiding them to steer away from the destructive avenue of drugs, alcohol or technological addiction.


Caritas offers various rehabilitation programmes to men, women and adolescents who seek support and long to heal from drug addiction. 

Some of the residents who would have walked through this journey of recovery offer to share their story within a community with the hope of encouraging young people to stay away from the snares of drug and alcohol abuse. 

Parents’ Forums

For many years Caritas has also prepared and offered parent’s forums to parents in schools, companies and any community that may ask for this form of psycho-social education.

The aim of these forums are to equip parents with tools that may provide them with further insights to better their relationship with their children.

Employment assistance programme

Caritas also thinks about those companies who may wish to benefit from our services, by offering psycho-social education through talks and workshops, moreover provide a safe space to employees who might wish to consider seeking support through counselling or social work assistance. 

More information

Workshops / psycho-educational talks for the public

These workshops or talks are specifically designed to the needs of those requesting this service.

The aim of these talks is to offer psychosocial skills enabling the listener to gain tools that will help him or her sail through the seas of life.


Another way of reaching out to the communities is by making use of various forms of media, with the aim of creating awareness of existing services also providing knowledge and skills to the public, regarding various psycho-social themes.

Should you wish to contact us for further information or to request a particular service, please do so on 22199000 or fill in the form below

    The Community Well-being and Development Team

    Ms. Eleanor Borg – Head of unit/ Psychotherapist

    Ms. Kimberly Pepe – Youth and Community Worker

    Mr. Gabrijel Mansueto - Youth and Community Worker