L-1 ta’ Ottubru, Jum Internazzjonali tal-Anzjani

“Ix-Xjuħija – Żmien ta’ Grazzja” Papa Franġisku HelpAge, unit fi ħdan Caritas Malta, jieħu opportunità li ssellem lill-anzjani kollha, fl-1 ta’ Ottubru 2018 – Jum Internazzjonali tal-Anzjani. L-Anzjanità  huwa żmien ta’ grazzja li ġġib magħha wkoll ħafna sfidi. Il-mod kif niffaċċaw, ngħixu u naċċettaw dawn l-isfidi jiddetermina kemm ngħixu dan iż-żmien tax-xjuħija fil-milja tiegħu. Dawn l-aħħar 50 sena d-dinja esperjenzat …

Knowledge management workshop Prague

    Patrick Harvey, HR Manager of Caritas Malta, on the 19th and 20th of September participated in a workshop on Knowledge Management in Prague. More than 20 people from different Caritas Organisations in Europe, attended the workshop facilitated by expert Ruth Jolly. The event helped all participants to understand better how to share knowledge inside their organisations and in …

Direttur ġdid għal Caritas Malta

Caritas Malta ssellem lil Leonid McKay u tilqa’ lil Anthony Gatt bħala d-Direttur il-ġdid   Caritas Malta tirringrazzja mill-qalb lis-Sur Leonid McKay għall-ħidma fejjieda li wettaq tul dawn l-aħħar snin bħala d-direttur tagħha. Id-dedikazzjoni u l-impenn sħiħ b’imħabba li wera favur il-fqir, l-emarġinat u l-bniedem fil-bżonn, kienu ta’ ispirazzjoni u ħallew ħafna frott. Caritas tieħu din l-opportunità biex issellem lil …

Caritas Europa – Human trafficking

World Day against trafficking in persons 2018 26 July 2018 Human Trafficking: Caritas join forces across continents to protect children On the occasion of World Day against Trafficking in Persons, Caritas announces the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean project to conduct cross-border research between Caritas organisations in Europe and the Middle East, towards improving the protection of children from traffickers in …

Features shown during graduation 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text margin_bottom=”30″] Graduation … The continuation of a long journey [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Graduation, an event where Caritas celebrates the success of individuals who finished the residential programme successfully and are clean from drugs, is an occasion to advocate for the people who are addicts to substances. Three video clips were shown during the event to promote inclusion, non-judgemental attitude and to give …

The importance of active ageing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text margin_bottom=”40″]Ramona Portelli, a journalist, visited Caritas Malta to take a closer look at the work HelpAge does in the field of the elderly.  Click the link below for the full article Newspaper Article[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Statement on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018

Equal rights, equal duties! On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Caritas Europa asks European institutions and governments to break stereotypes regarding parental care responsibilities in families by adopting the proposed EU legislation on work-family life balance. “After the birth of our first daughter, I decided to take extra months of parental leave after my maternity leave to take care …

Tender for Supply and Installation of a Multipurpose Sports Pitch

The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Caritas Malta) VO/1328 is issuing Tender for Supply and Installation of a Multipurpose Sports Pitch as per tender document. The Tender Document may be obtained from tenders@caritasmalta.org Written Clarification requests will be received until Thursday 22nd March 2018 at 12:00 on tenders@caritasmalta.org Financial Bid Forms and Proposals are to be delivered by …