Il-President ta’ Malta jżur iċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar immexxi minn Caritas Malta



Il-President ta’ Malta jżur iċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar immexxi minn Caritas Malta


Il-President ta’ Malta George Vella u s-Sinjura Miriam Vella żaru ċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar għall-adolexxenti li għandhom problema ta’ sustanzi (droga jew alkoħol). Bħalissa 26 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa qed jibbenefikaw mis-servizzi offruti f’dan iċ-ċentru mmexxi minn Caritas Malta.

Fi tmiem laqgħa privata mal-ħames żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa li qed isegwu l-programm residenzjali, il-President Vella rrifletta dwar is-sens ta’ mħabba li qed jirċievu dawn iż-żgħażagħ mingħand il-professjonisti li jsegwuhom. Irrimarka li kull min qed jieħu ħsiebhom qiegħed l-ewwelnett jirrispetta d-dinjità tagħhom, u qed iġiegħel liż-żgħażagħ jirrealizzaw li m’għandhomx jitwarrbu. “Dawn għad għandhom ħafna affarijiet tajbin u rridu ngħinuhom biex jerġgħu jakkwistaw ir-rispett lejhom infushom. Dan jagħmluh meta jaraw lis-soċjetà tirrispetta lilhom,” qal il-President.

Iż-żgħażagħ, li l-età medja tagħhom hija sittax-il sena u nofs, spjegaw lill-President u s-Sinjura Vella l-programmi li qed isegwu fiċ-Ċentru Tal-Ibwar. Huma tkellmu wkoll dwar l-għajnuna li jirċievu mingħand il-ħaddiema biex jegħlbu d-diffikultajiet li jgħaddu minnhom, ħafna drabi minħabba l-problema ta’ sustanzi. Il-President għaraf il-fatt li wħud miż-żgħażagħ, minkejja l-età pjuttost żgħira tagħhom, ħassew il-ħtieġa li jitolbu għall-għajnuna li sabu f’dan iċ-ċentru.

Dr Daniel Mercieca, koordinatur tal-programm f’Tal-Ibwar, qal li l-programm residenzjali huwa mibni fuq pjan imsejjaħ ‘is-seba’ sfidi’ li jinvolvi diversi interventi terapewtiċi u dawk edukattivi.

Minn Mejju tas-sena li għaddiet sal-lum, 44 każ ġew referuti għaċ-Ċentru Tal-Ibwar, b’25% minnhom kienu referuti mill-Aġenzija Appoġġ. F’dan iċ-ċentru, Caritas Malta toffri għajnuna ħolistika permezz ta’ servizzi terapewtiċi, residenzjali u ta’ matul il-ġurnata bil-għan li ż-żgħażagħ jilħqu l-potenzjal kollu tagħhom. Dan iseħħ b’kollaborazzjoni mal-familji u dawk involuti fil-ħajja taż-żgħażagħ.


Link għall-filmat:



The President of Malta visits the Caritas Tal-Ibwar Therapeutic Centre


President George Vella and Mrs Miriam Vella visited the Tal-Ibwar Therapeutic Centre for adolescents struggling with substance use (drugs or alcohol). There are currently 26 adolescents benefitting from the services offered at this centre run by Caritas Malta.

At the end of a private meeting with the five adolescents following the residential programme, President Vella reflected on the sense of love that these youths are receiving from the professionals following their progress. He stated that their caregivers are first and foremost respecting their dignity and making these youths realise that they should not be marginalised. “They still have many good qualities, and we must help them regain their self-respect. They can do so once they see the society respecting them”, said the President.

The youths, whose average age is sixteen and a half, explained to the President and Mrs Vella the programmes they are pursuing at the Tal-Ibwar Centre. They also talked about the help they receive from the workers to overcome the difficulties they face, often due to the substance use problem. The President acknowledged the fact that some of the youths, despite their relatively young age, felt the need to ask for help, which they are receiving, at this centre.

Dr Daniel Mercieca, programme coordinator at Tal-Ibwar, said that the residential programme was built on a plan called the “seven challenges” involving various therapeutic and educational interventions.

Since May last year, 44 cases have been referred to the Tal-Ibwar Centre, 25% of which were referred by the Aġenzija Appoġġ. At this centre, Caritas Malta offers a holistic assistance through therapeutic, residential, and day services with the aim of helping youths reaching their full potential. This is done by collaborating with their families and those involved in the lives of these youths.


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