On celebrating 55 years of service to people in need, Caritas Malta, will be hosting an exhibition of watercolour paintings created by John Martin Borg and his daughter Claire.
This diverse exhibition is entitled “In the Heart of Spring”. Besides the obvious, that this is a celebration of the glory season, the title relates to the work of Caritas Malta, which has brought a new spring into the lives of so many individuals for the past fifty-five years. Although both father and daughter have exhibited their works in a number of collective exhibitions, this is the first time that they are putting up a full exhibition together.
The show which is made up of around 35 watercolour paintings, is being held at the new Caritas Community Centre in Mountbatten Street, Hamrun. This will give the public an opportunity to view the recently inaugurated premises of Caritas Malta. The inauguration of the Exhibition will take place on Friday, the 21st April, 2023.
The exhibition will be open to the public during the following hours:
• Saturday 22nd April at 1830hrs till 2100hrs
• Sunday 23rd April at 0930hrs till 1230hrs
Of special interest, the artist John Martin Borg, will be delivering a talk related to his spiritual works, which form part of the exhibition on Saturday 22nd April at 1900hrs at the new Caritas Community Centre in Mountbatten Street, Hamrun. The paintings that are being discussed during the talk are related to the work carried out by Caritas Malta.
After the talk all guests are invited to view the exhibits.
Missier u bint jesebbixxu kwadri b’risq Caritas Malta
Fl-okkażjoni tal-55 sena ta’ servizz lejn dawk l-aktar fil-bżonn, Caritas Malta se tniedi esebizzjoni ta’ kwadri bl-akkwarelli mill-artist magħruf John Martin Borg flimkien mat-tifla tiegħu Claire.
L-esebizzjoni bit-titlu – In the Heart of Spring, minbarra li hija ċelebrazzjoni ta’ dan listaġun glorjuż, it-titlu jirrelata wkoll mal-ħidma ta’ Caritas Malta li ġabet rebbiegħa ġdida filħajjiet ta’ ħafna individwi tul dawn l-aħħar 55 sena.
Għalkemm il-missier u bintu esibew ix-xogħlijiet tagħhom f’diversi wirjiet ta’ arti, din hija l-ewwel darba li se jesebixxu wirja kompluta flimkien bix-xogħlijiet tagħhom.
L-esebizzjoni tikkonsisti f’madwar 35 kwadru bl-akkwarelli, li se tkun qed tittella’ fil-Caritas Community Centre, Triq Mountbatten, il-Ħamrun. Din se tkun ta’ opportunità wkoll għal dawk li qatt ma attendew f’dan iċ-ċentru fil-komunità li ġie inawgurat f’Novembru li għadda.
It-tnedija ta’ din l-Esebizzjoni se ssir nhar il-Ġimgħa 21 ta’ April u l-wirja tkun miftuħa għall-pubbliku ġenerali kif ġej
• Is-Sibt 22 ta’ April mis-6.30pm sad-9pm
• Il-Ħadd 23 ta’ April bejn id-9.30am u n-12.30pm.
Aspett interessanti hija taħdita li l-artist John Martin Borg se jagħti dwar ix-xogħlijiet artistici spiritwali tiegħu li se jkunu esebiti f’din l-esebizzjoni ta’ arti. Il-kwadri li se jitkellem dwarhom huma relatati mal-ħidma ta’ Caritas Malta fis-soċjetà Maltija. Din it-taħdita se ssir nhar is-Sibt 22 ta’ April fis-07pm fejn wara t-taħdita wieħed ikun jista’ jżur il-kwadri li se jkunu esposti fl-istess ċentru.

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